Friday, June 19, 2009

Helpless and Angry

I don't like being helpless, I don't really think anyone does. But when something is happening that is directly affecting me and I can't do anything, I want to snap.

It is approximately midnight here in New Mexico, 2am Michigan time, as I write this. I was relaxing, watching TV, when my friend, that at Halloween resembles Fester perfectly, called. He says hello, where is your sup-pump? I say "what?" He then informs me that my basement is flooding up through the water drains. :)
Luckily 5 friends were at my house when this started. And they were all quick enough to immediately gather everything of value(mostly books and electronics) up and out of the basement that they could. I was put on speaker while this was happening. I was randomly being asked questions by the people in the basement and parents in my face. I yelled at my parents to stop asking questions, which wasn't very nice. I then started calling anyone I could think of that would be up at 1-130 am that might have a pump of some sort. No Dice. At this point, I call Fester back and he tells me that everything they could get up they did.
But my floor, border, probably the drywall, 4 couches, some DVD/book shelves, and entertainment center= toast. But hey, thats what sewer water does when it touches stuff.

The worse part is that I won't even be able to check any of this out until two days from now on Sunday night when I fly home. And then when I see the damage, I can't do anything until the next day. I don't know when I am gonna fall asleep tonight, and I probably won't be able to think about anything else until I get home.

Zombie in the past has encouraged me to try to look on the positive side of things. I usually jump right to the negative. I have been trying, and I believe I have been doing better.
I have been very positive lately. Excited about the trip I'm on, excited about even the possibility of a new career, excited that a chunk of stress having to do with $$ and my ex-wife have been just about taken care of. So of course something has gotta happen to knock my arse down and get me out of a good mood. My father and I are both 99.9% sure insurance will not cover close to
the damage that was done. Woo Hoo!

"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" (Philippians 4:11) Paul learned to be content in the good and bad. I have prayed for this in my life for longer than I can remember. I'm not sure this is something I am going to ever even remotely succeed at. Though it wouldn't hurt if the good outweighed the bad every now and then for longer that a brief moment. At least thats the way it seems to me for a long time now.

Well I am done venting. I didn't have anyone to talk to so the blog gets it.
Hope everyone that reads this is having a better day than I!


Anonymous said...

Horrible blog! I was under the impression that this blog was not going to be used for negative stuff. LOL I feared for your basement last night when I seen how crazy LP was with the rain. It truly does suck!

Zombie said...

You have my blessing to think negatively. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad are the landlords - so they need to help you fix things. So ... you're not alone in the annoyance.

Trouble follows some people. It followed me around pretty closely once, until I stuck the big finger up at it.

I think God is refining you and testing you. Your patience and reactions to things. Stay on the right side of positive.

Paul, and a lot of the Christian martyrs, had to go through a lot worse than you. Jesus himself endured much, much more hardship.

Follow their example and pursue the fruits of the Holy Spirit and I'm confident that one day your gray skies will be behind you.

Love you!

High on the Hog said...

It has been 3 months. It is time for another bad thing to happen to you so you can write a blog. Otherwise, write a blog so I know what's up with you.