Saturday, January 15, 2011

What to do?

These times, they are a-changing.
Bob Dylan was an excellent writer, shite singer. but I like him anyway.

But I digress.

I finally got to go to MEPS. Thats the Military Entrance Processing Station. I had less than 3 hours of sleep, got up at 4am and didn't leave until 7pm. But I got the medical clearance I have spent a year trying to get. Now what to do with it? Its funny. I have spent so long trying to get it, I really just about gave up. Now I'm kinda sacred about actually signing up and leaving. I'm going to talk to the recruiter in the next two weeks or so, when I'm not working to see what jobs are available. My hope is for 68Whiskey w/option 40. That's a Medic with a RASP contract. RASP is the training ground for rangers. I could get in and serve at least 4 years, and if I want to get out, I will have a minimum of EMT training and could have a nursing degree. I don't know whats going to happen, but I'm nervous as crap. This bugs me because nothing makes me nervous. Asking a girl out, taking a test, a job interview. but right now I'm jittery. I don't like it.
I still keep praying that this is what God wants me to do. I guess I will find out soon.


OneBigHappy said...

Perhaps you're just not used to things going the way you want them to. Maybe you've forgotten what it feels like to have a door open instead of closing. I'm not telling you to step through, but these are the kind of risks that make a life. Love you man.

High on the Hog said...

Ditto Dave!